This is the LeadLoop inbox.

Every lead from all your linked sources comes into this inbox.

Once a lead arrives here, you will need to sort and handle it as I will explain in this video.

The first thing you will need to do is evaluate whether or not its a real lead.

An example of something that is not a lead would be someone trying to sell you something, a test email, someone looking for a job or anything else that wouldn’t be an actual client. If it is anything like that then you would click here on the top right hand corner of the lead and mark it as spam. This would take it out of the inbox and no further handling would be needed.  

If this is a valid lead you would Click the create customer button  which will put them into your pipeline for follow up. 

If you get a missed call and you don’t know if it’s spam or a lead then you can go to the box on the top right hand corner and mark it as other.  

This will remove it from the inbox and if the person calls back it will show up in the other section which will give you another opportunity to determine whether or not it was spam or a real lead. 

Another scenario would be if someone who is already a client calls in to ask a question about billing, business hours, etc and because they weren’t already in LeadLoop, they show up as a new lead in your inbox. In this case you would want them in lead loop so you can record the communication back and forth but you don’t want them in your pipeline as they don’t require follow up and selling at this moment in time. In order to do this you go to the section on the right hand side that says “pipeline” and select “none”. Then you click “create customer”. This will create a record in LeadLoop but won’t add them into your pipeline for follow up. 

It’s important to know that you will not be able to use the communication features of LeadLoop until you click the “create customer” button. You must do this before you will be able to text, call or email them. 

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