For every 100 leads that flow into the average business, 73 of them will never be contacted.

Imagine the sunk cost that amounts to.

Or the lost clients.

Worse, imagine not knowing how, why, or that this was even happening—to one degree or another.

Ten years of working with 100s of plastic surgery practices across the US has taught us the pipeline from lead to follow up and to converted client are two of the weakest links in most practices.

LeadLoop effectively patches them.

Here are 22 of its most important features and benefits.

1. LeadLoop tracks the return and results of your most expensive marketing play: Paid Ads.

Paid ads on search engines and social media—Google, Bing, Facebook, and Instagram—are one of the most expensive things many plastic surgery practices pay for. That’s perfectly acceptable if you can be certain the leads you’re getting are actually from your ad campaigns. LeadLoop shows you the exact source of every one of your leads, and not just whether they came from Google or Bing, but what they were looking at before they hit your website—an ad, an organic search result?

One practice was about to scrap an entire ad campaign, only to find from LeadLoop that it was producing an 800% ROI and bringing in their highest-paying client cases. LeadLoop closes the gap between the analytics Google Ads provides and the leads that are actually reaching your practice. 

2. You can’t manage what you don’t track, and LeadLoop tracks everything.

A mind-boggling amount of metrics go into running and growing a successful practice and LeadLoop gives you insights unlike any other platform, all updating in real time. That helps you not only visualize your ROI from every dollar in your marketing budget, but to spot internal hiccups that might be costing you the close.

3. LeadLoop plugs the invisible holes in your pipeline that good leads are gushing out of.

Simple. LeadLoop helps you stop accidentally or unknowingly losing leads. Turn away all the misfit or bad business you want, but at least you’ll be the one consciously making that call. With LeadLoop, you’ll never lose a good lead again.

4. LeadLoop comes with free onboarding, so you get going quickly and easily.

LeadLoop becomes intuitive over time, but it’s revolutionary enough to need a groove-in phase, which is why our first step for every new client is tailoring LeadLoop to their own unique practice and pipeline. Conversion Coaching can and very often is added onto that initial onboarding, helping you reduce response time and dramatically increase closing rates.

5. LeadLoop pushes procured patients right into the most popular EMRs & CRMs.

When leads become clients, LeadLoop transfers them right into whichever of the most popular EMRs and CRMs you’re using, at the press of a button: PatientNow, Zenoti, Symplast, Nextech, ActiveCampaigns, ModMed and more.

6. LeadLoop is powered in part by AI.

Our biggest integration is rapidly becoming with ‘SkyNet’ itself—artificial intelligence that will determine lead quality based on language, auto-populate reply emails, and build an answer bot right into your website—using your website and the other channels you control as the dataset that powers those answers.

7. LeadLoop improves whatever outreach you’re already doing and paying for.

Whether you’re doing email, paid ads, SEO, social media marketing or all of the above, LeadLoop will give you newfound insights into how well each of them are running.

“LeadLoop shows you not only whether readers clicked on or engaged with your email marketing, but whether they converted as an actual client. That’s invaluable, and not possible with email marketing software alone.” - S3 Email Marketing Director

8. LeadLoop records phone calls, reducing confusion and repeat work, and allowing for analysis.

Most practices count on handwritten notes and internal meetings to track and manage their leads and what happens to them along the way. LeadLoop digitizes all of that, allowing everyone in the practice to see where each lead stands, and what the next steps are for every single lead.

9. Recorded calls can be further analyzed for client/patient losses and gains.

Analyzing recorded calls to see what went wrong or why leads were lost or failed to close was one of the earliest ways we helped practices maximize their marketing efforts. That’s now built into LeadLoop.

10. LeadLoop transcribes your phone calls.

Forget relistening to every minute of every phone call your practice is making, why not skim through a transcript? LeadLoop lets you.

11. LeadLoop improves your client-facing image and professionalism.

Poor record keeping can lead to confusion and repeat calls or emails, and finding the right balance between effective and timely follow up versus desperate-looking or off-putting outreach is tricky. LeadLoop helps you with this by tracking and recording all outreach actions being done by anyone in the practice, and by standardizing the timeline against which each of your outreach actions should be done on.

12. LeadLoop scales with your practice as it grows.

Whether you’re a brand-new clinic or a multi-location conglomerate, LeadLoop is built to cater to your needs and scale as you do. What that means exactly is that LeadLoop is built on consistent and proven processes that apply to practices of every size, and standardizing followup and outreach actions is the most scalable solution. Each of these processes—from followup emails to scheduling phone calls—and the timeline they’re set to be done on—within an hour, two days apart, etc.—are also easily adjustable, so they augment your best practices as you discover and develop them.

Patient coordinators are incredible and necessary—and LeadLoop doesn’t get rid of them—but a scalable practice is best built on solid, reliable systems that automate tasks and standardize lines and best practices for each lead and client type.

13. LeadLoop provides some of the most in-depth analytics in the industry.

LeadLoop shows you not only the source of your leads, but how they even got there to begin with. You’ll not only know whether leads reached you through website forms, phone calls, texts, or DMs, but you’ll see how they got there to begin with—organic search, paid ads, or social media—and you’ll know what caliber and volume of leads you’re getting from every investment you’re making.

14. So many sources, one platform to rule (record, route, and follow up on) them all.

It’s not unusual for practices to be using every possible means of outreach and promotion. And to have two different teams on Outbound marketing and Inbound client development. LeadLoop streamlines the Inbound development because it pulls from all of the platforms you’re already investing time and money into, leaving you with all the information you need about your leads from any channel.

15. LeadLoop integrates with and consolidates all of your key incoming lead lines.

Potential clients reach out to you on a huge and growing number of possible apps, platforms, and channels. LeadLoop was built to collect, track and record input from all of these so that you never lose a lead and can more effectively follow up on all the leads you do get. Phone calls, texts, emails, social media DMs, website forms, paid ads, and organic search inquiries all arrive into LeadLoop.

16. LeadLoop follow up is done right from within the app.

LeadLoop doesn’t just remind you when to text, email or followup on potential leads, it actually integrates with all of the ways you’re already doing it. That means you’ll send texts, DMs, and emails, and place phone calls right from within LeadLoop itself. LeadLoop dials automatically, directly out of platform, then drops the recording and transcript into the appropriate client’s timeline.

17. LeadLoop integrates with the biggest social media apps.

When potential patients DM you on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, they’ll show up in your LeadLoop pipeline. Social media is a huge potential source of leads and an area most practices already spend plenty of time, money and effort on to build a brand image and large following.

18. LeadLoop is tailored to your practice’s pipeline (and tweaking your pipeline is always an option).

LeadLoop respects what’s already working in your practice. You’ve built best practices for follow up and LeadLoop was built to cater to them, reinforcing what’s working and replacing what isn’t. Its backbone, the “Pipeline,” is customized for your practice during onboarding, and can always be tweaked over time.

19. LeadLoop reduces the number of disparate apps, tools, and paid services you’ll need to be using.

EMRs and CRMs are part and parcel to a medical practice. But until LeadLoop, no platform focused specifically on one of the most critical patient procurement periods: That stretch from right after you’ve spent loads of money on marketing, to right before you’ve converted a lead into a paying client. Practices using LeadLoop need less of the other things because so much is built into LeadLoop that replaces, streamlines, and improves it. 

20. LeadLoop alerts you of every next step so your outreach happens in industry-acceptable time frames.

Around 88% of your potential clients expect a response within about 1 hour. LeadLoop alerts you to this and more, and tracks the average response time along your entire pipeline to help you see what if anything needs improving.

21. LeadLoop is front-loaded with templates for all of your most common communications.

Personalized attention to potential leads doesn’t mean reinventing the wheel with every email you send. We’ll front load LeadLoop with templates for all of your most common email communications, including acknowledging receipt of a client’s interest, getting basic medical information submitted, and scheduling appointments. These you can further customize, and analytics over time will help you perfect them as needed.

22. LeadLoop was built based on 11 years of experience with practices just like yours.

We built LeadLoop from scratch because with the hundreds of plastic surgery practices we do digital marketing for, it was constantly becoming obvious that something like it was badly needed. We know not every phone call is going to be a perfect client ready to pay and that you’ll be pitched pastries by phone, or cold-called by businesses—not clients. So we’ve factored all that and more into LeadLoop, allowing it to capture every valid lead while never tying you up in spam.

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